Zuko waiting for popcorn in the kitchen

Old Yeller Beats Boredom - Pet Movies to Watch While Stuck Inside

Welcome to part two in the Scollar Coronavirus Series! Like many of you around the world, I have been spending most of my time inside, practicing social distancing in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. .

The other day, my dad sent me a video of his dog watching a movie with him. In his boredom of being stuck inside, he picked out a movie that he knew Zuko would like as much as he did, Old Yeller. Not only did Zuko watch the movie with rapt attention, but he also barked and growled along with the dogs in the movie.

Seeing that video and how much fun they had, made me curious about what other movies are out there, containing dogs (or cats), that would be just as much fun for both humans and pets alike. Without further ado, here is my ~not scientific~ list of movies to watch with your pets. Let's go!

Photo by Carlos Deleon on Unsplash, cat with a computer mouse. cat has it's mouth open in a meow

The Jungle Book (2016)

A movie that will unleash your furry family's inner wild animals.  While there are no dogs or domesticated cats onscreen, any animal in your household can dream of living among the jungle animals. They can experience the wild while also knowing that they can get dinner if they bug you enough starting at 5pm (just me?). Available to watch for $2.99 on iTunes, Google Play and YouTube, $3.99 on Amazon Prime and Vudu

Zootopia (2016)

Ever wonder what would happen if animals wore clothes and lived in cities like humans do? Zootopia answers that question while also entertaining everyone in your family: dogs, cats, and kids alike. The main characters are a fox and a rabbit, so in the off chance you have either of those as pets, they'll enjoy it too. Available to watch on Disney+ with Subscription, $2.99 on iTunes, Google Play and YouTube, $3.99 on Vudu, $12.99 on Amazon Prime

The Lion King (2019)

This is another movie that Zuko (and dogs in general) loves watching. Watching your dog howl along with Simba during *that scene* makes it somehow more heartbreaking. Maybe, if you're lucky, your cats will howl along with the Hyenas to complete the coronavirus quarantine chorus. Available to watch on Disney+ with Subscription, $2.99 on Amazon Prime, Google Play and YouTube, $3.99 on Vudu


Photo by Kyle Hanson on Unsplash, dog laying down resting it's head on it's front paws looking at a computer screen

Homeward Bound (1993)

A happy movie about the outdoor adventures of two dogs and a cat. What could be a better pet-friendly movie to watch at a time when going outside is seriously frowned upon? If your dog is anything like Zuko, ANYTIME they see a real dog onscreen in a movie is exciting. Pets running around, chatting with each other on an adventure to find their people, is a surefire way to get your pets engaged. Available to watch on Hulu, HBO Go and HBO Now with Subscription, $2.99 on Amazon Prime, iTunes, Google Play and YouTube, $3.99 on Vudu

The Secret Life of Pets (2016)

We all wonder what our pets do at home all day when we are away. Since everyone is home for the foreseeable future, you pets don't have the freedom to do the more ~questionable~ things without your prying eyes. Thankfully, The Secret Life of Pets will fill the void of causing a ruckus with their pet pals while their human parents are home. Available to watch for $3.99 on Amazon Prime, iTunes, Google Play, YouTube, and Vudu

Babe (1995)

A little pig with a big dream. What more light-hearted content could you want during a lockdown? Plus, an adorable family of dogs that welcome Babe into their crew with love and support. The perfect movie to watch when you want some warm and fuzzy distraction. Available to watch on Hulu, HBO Go and HBO Now with Subscription, $3.99 on Amazon Prime, iTunes, Google Play, YouTube, and Vudu
Photo by Neringa Sidlauskaite on Unsplash, human and cat sitting at desk looking at computer screen

101 Dalmatians (1996)

Who can beat Glenn Close with two-toned hair, trying to make a coat in the most dramatic way possible? We know! Watching your dogs react as they watch the 101 Dalmatians in the movie outsmart Cruella De Vil's plan. Available to watch on Disney+ with Subscription, $2.99 on Amazon Prime, Google Play and YouTube, $3.99 on Vudu And last, but definitely not least:

Old Yeller (1957)

A classic story of a boy and his dog, Old Yeller will transport you to a world with fewer worries than our current coronavirus reality. Just as Zuko loved this movie and did his best to chat with Old Yeller, your dog will enjoy trying to take part in the action as well. Available to watch on Disney+ with Subscription, $2.99 on Amazon Prime, iTunes, Google Play and YouTube, $3.99 on Vudu Let us know what your go-to pet movies are to watch with your furry family. Including a video of them watching is even better! Stay safe and healthy Scollar Pack! Missed part one of the Scollar Coronavirus Series? Click HERE to read it!


Photo from Linnea Herner, white dog on gray couch barking


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