If you’re a pet lover, you probably have a tendency to treat your cat like a person. This shows itself in a few different ways, like talking to your cat in full sentences that they certainly can’t understand (and would ignore even if they did understand) or making sure its comforts are met at the same level a human would expect.
It’s okay, you can admit it. Your cat is a (likely, temperamental) member of the family. Your cat would probably not want it any other way. Since you treat your cat as a member of the family, you probably want to make sure it’s comfortable. After all, it likely spends most of the day asleep. So the question is: should you purchase a special bed for your cat?
Cats Love Their Sleep
Don’t worry, it’s not overboard. A nice bed for your cat makes sense. Based on the amount of time they spend sleeping, sleep is one of the most important things in a cat’s life. On average, cat’s actually sleep for about two-thirds of their lifetime. This is about twice as much compared to us, so if we worry about finding the best mattresses for ourselves, why not spend some time considering the type of bed your cat should get?A Cat Bed Helps with a Routine
One good reason to purchase a bed for your cat is to encourage them to mostly sleep in one place, which can prove beneficial for both of you. One of the big reasons why it’ll be helpful to you is all of that fur. If you’ve got a cat that’s a big shedder, you’re going to find piles of fur wherever your cat has decided to sleep. You might be sick of cleaning fur off the foot of your bed or your couch. A bed dedicated to the cat could be a great solution for keeping it contained to one spot. If your cat really loves the bed, then this is also good for them. It helps them always be able to find a comfortable spot instead of having to look through the house for where they want to sleep. Plus, if you decide to move it will be a good way for the cat to feel like there hasn’t been a huge change.
Cats Have a Mind of Their Own
One of the tricky parts about getting your cat a bed is actually convincing them to sleep in it. While they may be incredibly comfortable in the bed, it doesn’t mean they can’t get comfortable elsewhere. Remember, that their species was used to being outside and sleeping in all sorts of conditions. That means they might not see much of a difference between sleeping on the floor or on a comfy bed. You might find that your cat only sleeps in the bed you bought for them only once in a while. This doesn’t mean your cat doesn’t like their bed. It more likely means they don’t think too much about where they’re going to sleep other than if it’s comfortable in the moment. They’re an incredibly instinct-driven species, so they often will sleep wherever they feel like at that moment.Some Cat Bed Ideas
You've probably seen those cat posts showing felines in bunk beds, but that is not what we mean when we propose a bed for your kitty. We have some super cool beds available in our very own personalized pet marketplace.
Arlee Slipper Cat Bed
Sleepy Pet Hide & Sleep Dome Cat Bed
Aspen Pet Self Warming Oval Lounger
Overall, getting a bed for your cat can certainly be beneficial. Some cats might even fall in love with them. But, it really comes down to your preference (or maybe just your cat’s preference!). If you’re sick of your cat sleeping in random places throughout the house or plopping their heavy body down next to you every night, then it might be worth the investment. Just don’t be too surprised if it takes them a while to start using it consistently!
This is a guest post by Chris Brantner, Founder of SleepZoo.
Thank you for sharing, useful information keep on sharing.
Thank you for the article. This is true. I got my cat a comfy plush lounge bed and placed a nice warm and plushed throw blanket on top of it, it’s double the comfort and I’m sure it feels like a dream for her. However, she didn’t use it consistently until about after 8 months of having it. I never thought that she would sleep in it. She had been sleeping in it all night and day now for about a year straight. When i move the bed for washing or cleaning she tries to find it. It is a very huge part of her every day life. She is in it at least 20 hours out of the day, she is completely in love with it. So, don’t give up, give them some time to come around to it and soon it will be like their second skin.
Thank you for sharing. Useful information keep on sharing.
Article is great.
Yes cat bed